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October 2012

The grand boardroom where entrepreneurs pitch to the Dragons.

What you can do in 2.5 months!

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Earlier this year, I proposed that I would keep up with my blogging more often. A promise to myself that I just could not keep! I tell you what, it’s really hard to keep up with these things especially when there are so many distractions in life. I started out with good intentions when I started catching the train to and from work. I had a solid hour each way to write some cool stuff for you to read. My Samsung Galaxy S2 started playing up and the battery began draining really quickly. There was also nothing to do on my iPad either apart from typing up a blog. A few things happened though in a short space of time. My new work place, The Social Partners, handed me an iPhone. 68 games completed later and the BBC decided to allow users to download content to watch anytime on iPad. Suddenly, I find myself finishing off a few more achievements in Tiger Woods Golf on my iPhone whilst watching last week’s Dragon’s Den on my iPad.
Dragon's Den on BBC iPlayer on Apple iPad
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