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April 2010

How to select a TV stand

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Back in the 80s, when I was growing up, people had small television sets that sat on top of some wooden furniture that already existed in the house. As I got older, television stands began coming as a package with televisions themselves as the televisions grew in size. The television stands that came free as a package, usually came in the same colour as the television itself and it was usually made with cheap materials like MDF and were made big enough only to accomodate 2 VCR sized pieces of equipment. Luckily for us time moves on, and these days we have very nice looking stands that we can put our prized televisions on. You can still buy television stands that are made of wood and look like furniture but most consumer television stands are now made out of a mixture of plastic, metal and glass with glass being the main material.
Unfortunately for the consumer, the dimensions of the television stands are usually hard to find and instead they give a recommended maximum size of television that can be put upon the stand instead. A good example would be a stand that is meant to be used for the televisions up to the size of 42 inches, being absolutely suitable for a television that is 55 inches in size, as well as a television of 22 inches in size. The key thing to look out for is how much space you actually have for your stand, how much of equipment you have which you would like to put away on the stand, and also the weight of your television.Read More »How to select a TV stand